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Shirt: Target. Jeans: 7 for all mankind. Shoes: ShoeMint. Sunglasses: Tory Burch. Jewelry: Etta Necklace c/o Jami, Talulah Earrings c/o Kara Ackerman, Elephant Bangle Hive and Honey, Neon Colorband ring c/o Madewell, David Yurman, Lily and Laura.

Hooray! It is Finally, Finally beginning to feel a little like fall. Don't get me wrong summer was great in all it's neon bright and floral glory, but I am ready for a little moodiness (ox blood, leather, brocade, etc). I'm a big fan of transitional dressing, mostly because it's the only time that the most unpractical items in your closet get utilized, e.g. this sheer long sleeved blouse. Any other time of year it would be too hot or too cold, but for now is just right. I bet Goldilocks had a killer pre-fall wardrobe...SideSmile.
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